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Science Motivation Questionnaire (SMQ)
Assessment Type: 30 Likert-type items
The 30-item Science Motivation Questionnaire (SMQ) assesses six components of students' motivation to learn science in college or high school courses. The SMQ assesses six components of motivation: intrinsically motivated science learning, extrinsically motivated science learning, relevance of learning science to personal goals, responsibility (self-determination) for learning science, confidence (self-efficacy) in learning science, & anxiety about science assessment.
Average Review: (4.0)
Applied Learning Student Questionnaire (ALSQ)
Assessment Type: Self reported survey
This instrument is used across Georgia's Governor's Office of Student Achievement Innovation Fund grants. These primarily target high school students participating in programs supporting STEM persistence.
Average Review: not yet rated
Read ReviewsAsian Student Attitudes Towards Science Class Survey
Assessment Type: Likert scale
This instrument is for measuring the attitudes toward science class of fourth- and fifth-grade students in an Asian school culture. Specifically, the development focused on three science attitude constructs: science enjoyment, science confidence, and importance of science as related to science class experiences.
Average Review: (2.0)
Attitude Toward Science in School Assessment (ATSSA)
Assessment Type: 14 items
An instrument used to compare the scientific relationship between attitude and achievement.
Average Review: (3.7)
Beliefs about Science and School Science Questionnaire (BASSSQ)
Assessment Type: Self-report
The Beliefs about Science and School Science Questionnaire (BASSSQ) was designed to assess high school science teachers' beliefs about what occurs in science. The first part of the BASSSQ is comprised of two subscales, "Process of Scientific Inquiry" and "Certainty of Scientific Knowledge."
Average Review: (3.8)