Chemistry Attitude and Experience Questionnaire (CAEQ)

Chemistry Attitudes and Experiences Questionnaire (CAEQ) measures first-year university chemistry students' attitude toward chemistry, chemistry self-efficacy, and learning experiences. The instrument was developed as part of a larger study and sought to fulfill a need for an instrument to investigate factors that influence student enrollment choice. We set out to design the instrument in a manner that would maximize construct validity. The CAEQ was piloted with a cohort of science and technology students at the end of their first year.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

by Julio Reyes, , , 4

I would definitely use this tool. It is easy to understand and assesses various beliefs and attitudes about chemistry and related subjects. Although, I do feel that some of the questions could be answered inaccurately due to a person's personal…
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by Dorothea Pitikas, , , 4

I like this tool and I believe that it can be beneficial to use for its intended purpose. I don't like how the items are measured, may be a source of confusion. I would use this is in my practice,…
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