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Draw-A-Scientist Test (DAST)

Assessment Type: Open-ended projective test

The Draw-a-Scientist Test is an open-ended projective test that assesses children's conceptual images of scientists. The DAST is evaluated using a 7-point scale based on the presence of the following components in drawing: lab coat, eyeglasses, facial growth of hair, symbols of research, symbols of knowledge, technology & relevant captions.

Average Review: 2 (2.9)

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EQulP Rubric for Science - NGSS

Assessment Type: Rubric

Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Practice, or EQuIP, has assembled this rubric and criteria for aligning instructional materials to the three-dimensional learning aspects of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products (EQuIP) Rubric for science provides criteria by which to measure the alignment and overall quality of lessons and units with respect to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Average Review: not yet rated

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Grade 4-12 Pre-Post Computing Camp/Workshop Evaluation Surveys

Assessment Type: Survey

These are surveys used in an outreach program and camps for K-12 girls. The surveys have been developed at the University of Colorado, have been validated through statistical testing, with reliability and validity information available upon request.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Science Learning Activation

Assessment Type: Survey

The Learning Activation Lab is a national research and design effort to learn and demonstrate how to activate children in ways that ignite persistent engagement in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics learning and innovation. This particular assessment was designed to be used with 10-14 year olds, and are used to assess an individual across each of the four dimensions of science learning activation. These scales can be used concurrently to measure the multi-dimensional construct of science learning activation or separately to measure individual dimensions.

Average Review: not yet rated

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Views of Scientific Inquiry, Primary School Version (VOSI-P)

Assessment Type: 5 opened-ended questions. The questionnaire is administered and the answers are recorded by the researcher.

The VOSI questionnaire elicits details of learners ideas of what scientists do in the production of valid scientific knowledge. Understanding about scientific inquiry is an integral component of scientific literacy, along with Nature of Science (NOS). The VOSI is useful alone, or in combination with the VNOS to gain in-depth insights into respondents epistemological views of science. The VOSI targets aspects unique from, but complementary to, the VNOS instrument.

Average Review: 3 (3.0)

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