New Ecological Paradigm Scale (NEP-R)

The New Ecological Paradigm Scale-Revised (NEP-R) is an updated version of the 1978 New Ecological Paradigm Survey. This updated version reflects current environmental terminology, as well as tests a single construct. The NEP-R is suitable for use in the general adult population.

Average Review: 3 (3.3)

by anonymous, County Director, CSU Extension, 4

It seems like every other item is the opposite of the one above it or the one below it - a pattern in the arrangement of the questions/items. Also having an odd number of responses on the likert scale will…
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by anonymous, PhD Candidate, University of California, Davis, 3

The New Ecological Paradigm scale is based on the original ideas and questions of the original New Environmental Paradigm (Dunlap & Van Liere, 1978). The tool has been modified several times and has been used,tested and written about a LOT…
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by anonymous, Ph.D student , Weizmann Institute, (Israel) 3

Dear ATIS, My review is regarded to NEP-R, New ecological Paradigm Scale assessment tool Environmental literacy contains three major parts: Knowledge, attitude and activism The aim of the tool, as far as I understand is to measure the attitude towards…
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