Children's Attitudes Toward Technology Scale (CATS)
This 26-item questionnaire addresses the assessment of children's attitudes toward technology. Sub-scales at two test administrations demonstrated good internal consistency and moderate test-retest stability.
Average Review: (4.0)
by anonymous,
Youth Development Advisorq, University of California, 
The tool is user friendly, and would provide teachers and program administrators with good information to assess student attitudes about technology. One concern I have is that the author defines what technology is, and in my opinion the definition is…read entire review ...
by anonymous,
Research Analyst, SRI International, 
I was searching for a short survey about technology that would be appropriate for elementary school children and found this. I think this survey will accurately measure attitudes around technology and be manageable for the age group I am targeting.…read entire review ...
by anonymous,
, HGSE, 
I think this tool is very user-friendly and clearly describes directions that are easy to understand. It would be interesting to include some short answer questions asking about other technology-related scenarios and careers. I think the tool would provide more…read entire review ...
by anonymous,
Doctorate Student, , 
Amazing journal filled with vast strategies and techniques designed to help young educator achieved their desired goals. I think this is one of the most useful tool to utilize and find student attitude toward a variety of entire review ...