Abbreviated Version of the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (A-MARS)
This is an abbreviated (25-item version) of the original Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS) instrument developed by Richardson and Suinn (for reference- see comments).The purpose of the study was to develop abbreviated version of MARS, and to find whether certain specific backgrounds (gender, socio-economic status) and academic variables can predict math anxiety.
Average Review: (3.7)
Supplemental Information:
Assessment Type:
Self-administered questionnaireScale:
5-point Likert scalePublication Date:
Apr 27, 2012Respondent:
517 college students in lower level psychology class.Domain(s) Evaluated:
Attitude / Behavior, CompetenceSample items:
Please indicate your level of anxiety in the following situations. Please choose one box on each line.Not at all | A little | A fair amount | Much | Very much | ||
1 | Studying for a math test | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
2 | Taking the math section of a college entrance exam | □ | □ | □ | □ | □ |
Internal reliability = 0.96 | test-retest reliability = 0.90Validity:
High correlation = 0.92Frequency:
FrequentlyAdministration time:
20 minutesRequires a Computer:
NoRequires Internet Access:
NoPrimary reference:
Alexander, L., & Martray, C. (1989). The Development of an Abbreviated Version of the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale. Measurement And Evaluation In Counseling And Development, 22(3), 143-50.Comments:
Original 98-item MARS was developed by Richardson and Suinn:Richardson, F., & Suinn, R. M. (1972). The Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale: Psychometric Data. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 19(6), 138-149.
Other subsequent studies also developed short versions:
Plake, B., & Parker, C. (1982). The development and validation of a revised version of the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale. Education and Psychological Measurement, 42(2), 551- 557.
Suinn, M., Winston, H.(2003). The Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale, a brief version: psychometric data. Psychological Reports, 92(1), 167-173.
There is also a MARS-R version:
Hopko, D. R. (2003). Confirmatory factor analysis of the math anxiety rating scale - revised. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 63(2), 336-351.
A recent study used the original Richardson & Suinn scale to measure mathematics teachers' anxiety:
Hadley, K. M & Dorward, J.(2011). The Relationship among Elementary Teachers' Mathematics Anxiety, Mathematics Instructional Practices, and Student Mathematics Achievement. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI), 5(2), 27-44.
Other References:
Beasley, T. M., Long, J. D. Natali, M. (2001). A confirmatory Factor analysis of the Mathematics Anxiety Scale for Children. Measurement and Evaluation in Counselling and Development, 34, 14-26
By using confirmatory factor analysis article suggested that MARS measures an internally consistent, unidimensional construct. Construct validity was seen. MARS-R (Math Anxiety rating scale revised) and MARS-SV (Math Anxiety rating scale short version) seem to be used in more research, possible suggestion to switch the current one to either of them.
Soni, A. & Kumari, S. (2015). The Role of Parental Math Anxiety and Math Attitude in their Children's Math Achievement. International Journal od Science and Math Education, 1-17.
For example this researcher used 3 revised forms of MARS and instead of using A-MARS, the MARS-SV was preferred. The rationale for using MARS-SV was given via component analysis with an oblique rotation. It was shown that MARS-SV has high correlation (r = 0.92) with the original MARS, high internal reliability (0.96) and test-retest reliability (r = 0.90) at 1-week intervals.
STEM Criteria
Livingston Alexander, PhD
President, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
300 Campus Drive Bradford, PA 16701
Livingston Alexander, PhD
President, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
300 Campus Drive Bradford, PA 16701