Relevance of Science Education (ROSE) Student Questionnaire
Assesses children's interest in, attitude towards, and experiences in science and technology, as well as their opinion about environmental challenges and career aspirations.
Average Review:
by anonymous,
Specialist, UC Davis,

The ROSE has a variety of separate components which measure different aspects of science knowledge, interest, careers, the environment, science classes, and beliefs on science and technology. In addition, the ROSE has one of the few sets of questions that attempt to ascertain the frequency of out of school science experiences, such as experience finding constellations in the sky, collecting stones or shells, using binoculars, or cooking.
The question set is lengthy and in some cases may need to have slight edits to the wording if used with an American audience (for example, 'petrol'). Because of its length, researchers and program evaluators may not wish to use the entire ROSE with their students, depending on the age and topic. However, it is a good source for questions relating to a wide range of aspects of science and technology.