New Ecological Paradigm Scale for Children (NEP-C)
The New Ecological Paradigm for Children is modeled after the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) and the New Ecological Paradigm-Revised (NEP-Revised) for adults. The survey contains 10 questions assessing three subscales that contribute to one's environmental world view including rights of nature, eco-crisis, and human exceptionalism.
Average Review: (2.5)
by anonymous,
Ph.D student , Weizmann Institute, (Israel)
Dear ATIS,
My review is regarded to NEP-C, New ecological scale for children assessment tool
Looking at the NEP-C it seems that from 10 questions 5 of them are based on environmental knowledge (question no. 2,5,6,9,10).Environmental literacy includes three parts (knowledge, attitude and activism). If the aim of the assessment tool is to examine attitude I think that it should focuses on the attitude and knowledge should be a separate part. And in order to complete the picture I think that all parts of the environmental literacy should be included in the assessment tool.