Modified Fennema Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scale

The Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scale measures student attitudes towards mathematics. The survey consists of 4 subscales, each designed to measure confidence, math as a male domain, teacher perception, and usefulness.

Average Review: 4 (4.0)

by anonymous, BPS OST ADmin, YMCA, 4

Th tool is very easy to understand and is not intimidating. There are questions asked that that will make the responder think, as they have not probably been directly asked if they would trust a women to solve a math equation. As far as relaiblity, that depends on the responder. As most of the questions require the responder to evaulate their own strenghts/weaknesses, it should not be taken as 100% truth. This is also stated in the description of the tool, so hopefully you would know this in advance. I would use this tool, not as research, but an evluation, to better focus the needs of a program for the individuals. It is very relevent, and a good partner with STEM, as this seems to be very "real world" friendly, which STEM stresses. I think used as a pre-survey of a program, this would be helpful.