New Ecological Paradigm Scale for Children (NEP-C)

The New Ecological Paradigm for Children is modeled after the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) and the New Ecological Paradigm-Revised (NEP-Revised) for adults. The survey contains 10 questions assessing three subscales that contribute to one's environmental world view including rights of nature, eco-crisis, and human exceptionalism.

Average Review: 2 (2.5)

by anonymous, Doctoral Student, Seattle University, 2

The NEP for Children survey is flawed. The variability of reading levels and the way the survey has been written is not conducive to measurable results from which recommendations can be reliably made. The survey must be more concrete in its language which must be less subjective. This is a common problem with child surveys of this nature. I would not use this survey for any scientific reason. It may be a fun exercise for the students to take and interesting to see their results, however, meaning cannot be extracted with out further inquiry to delve into why a particular respondent answered the way they did for each question.