Name | Organization | Email | Site | Phone |
Mary Arnold Evaluation Specialist |
Oregon State University |
541 737-1315 |
Rick Bonney Director, Program Development and Evaluation |
Cornell Lab of Ornithology |
Jeff Buehler Coordinator, Missouri AfterSchool Network |
4-H Center for Youth Development |
573 882-1564 |
Melissa Cater 4-H Youth Development Educator |
Louisiana State University |
225 578-2903 |
Kevin Crowley Director, UPCLOSE |
University of Pittsburgh Center for Learning in Out of School Environments |
Frank Davis President |
617 547-0430 |
Rena Dorph Director: Center for Research, Evaluation, and Assessment |
Lawrence Hall of Science; UC Berkeley |
510 642-6477 |
Christyanna Egun Director of Boston Partnerships |
Massachusetts General Hospital |
617 724-2950 |
Kirsten Ellenbogen, Ph.D Director of Evaluation and Research in Learning |
Science Museum of Minnesota |
651 221-2560 |
Catherine Jordan Program Manager |
SEDL Afterschool, Family and Community Programs |
512 391-6538 |
Kit Klein Principal |
Klein Consulting |
314 504-1465 |
June Mead Senior Extension Associate |
Cornell University |
607-772-8036 |
Suzanne Le Menestrel, Ph.D National Program Leader, Youth Development Research |
4-H National Headquarters |
202 720-2297 |
Karen Peterson Principal Investigator, National Girls Collaborative Project |
EdLab Group |
425 977-4750 |
Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty 4-H Youth Development Advisor |
UC Cooperative Extension/Santa Cruz County |
831-763-8026 |
Martin Smith Extension Specialist |
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine |
530 752-6894 |
Cary Sneider, Ph.D Associate Research Professor and Consultant |
Portland State University |
503 788-6424 |
Martin Storksdieck, Ph.D Director, Board on Science Education |
The National Academies |
Tony Streit Senior Project Director |
Education Development Center, Inc. |
617 618-2778 |
Robert H. Tai Associate Professor of Education, Curry School of Education |
University of Virginia |
434 924-0840 |
Claudia Weisburd, Ph.D Senior Advisor |
Foundations, Inc. |
856 533-1600 |
Nicole Yohalem Director of Special Projects |
The Forum for Youth Investment |
202 207-3333 |